Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Embrace Your Sister (EYS) - our fundraising efforts for October- THANK YOU!

Many thanks to all of our generous patients for buying pink ribbons for our October fundraiser for Breast Cancer month. We raised $30 with a matching donation from our office for a total of $60!  Our donation is going to Embrace Your Sisters (EYS) . EYS fills a unique niche in breast cancer services by providing short-term emergency financial assistance to residents of Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne and Yates counties in New York.

Many people diagnosed with breast cancer are unable to work during their illness or treatment adding a huge financial toll to an already difficult struggle.
Assistance from EYS eases the financial difficulties of unpaid bills and helps friends focus on their health and families.
A grant from EYS can help friends dealing with mounting co-pays and medical expenses. This emergency funding can also help with rent/mortgages, utilities, and other necessary expanses in order to improve the quality of their lives and  maintaining a stable environment during their battle. EYS can also provide longer -term help with practical, emotional health and other vial services.
Thank you for all your support.!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Treats for your Halloween Get Together

How about a nice, Braces-friendly treat for you halloween party? This one is super easy to make and super easy on the braces.

Caramel Apple Dip: find the recipe HERE.

So yummy!!!
Happy Halloween !

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New Braces Friendly meals!

What a beautiful week we are having here in New York! Unfortunately pretty soon we will be back to cooler weather and craving some warm comfort foods for the darker evenings.  I came across this yummy recipe that would be perfect with braces:

Doesn't it look good? I tried it out on my family and they really liked it!
You can find the recipe along with many other good ones HERE at Hot Eats and Cool Reads.

Another good find...and my kids didn't think they liked zucchini but loved these too.... Pizza stone baked Zucchini fries!

You can find the recipe for them HERE.

Let me know what you think.

Keep smiling!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Back to School

A little late.... but I hope everyone had a great back to school week!  I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to our Mission Share Back to School Backpack donation.  Here is a picture of what we collected. It was awesome! Pens, pencils, glue, crayons, paper, folders and more! Thank you so much. It will be well used by a lot of kids !

Thanks again to all of our generous families!
Keep smiling and have a great week!

Dr. Fox

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Back to School Braces Friendly Food Ideas

It's almost time for back to school. I am always trying to find fun, tasty snack ideas to pack for school or for after school that would also be braces-friendly. Check out this one I came across on Pinterest: Banana Sushi!
They call is breakfast sushi but I think it would make a great school or after school snack. I want one right now!

Find the recipe for these easy snacks HERE

And here something for lunches or dinner that looks delicious. 
Easy, which is always a plus, tasty and soft!  
You can find that one HERE at Tidy Mom.

I'd love to know what your kids think of these. Let me know!!! 

In the meantime, keep smiling!