Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Healthy and SOFT desserts for fall!

Frozen Banana Ice Cream made with just bananas!  No added sugar, no dairy, no fat.  No rock salt or ice cream maker required.

Do you love ice cream? who doesn't? and it's great with braces. But still a lot of sugar right?
Here is a yummy alternative. Banana ice cream made with frozen bananas. And I don't really even like bananas. But this is awesome!
There are those machines you can get for making frozen desserts out of bananas called a Yonannas machine. They are great, but in this recipe they just used a regular food processor and it looks great. I love the idea of adding the peanut butter. I think a touch of chocolate sauce would be awesome too. I'm thinking of trying a little canned pumpkin in it for a Thanksgiving treat.

Find the recipe here: Frozen Banana Ice Cream

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Keep smiling!

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